thanks to everyone who came out to see us at the main on saturday. it was a fun show to play and we had a good time. a couple of more shows to tell you about:
thursday october 4, 2007 - litterbug with los malos at pat's pub (403 east hastings in vancouver). $5 cover charge, 19+. bring all your friends and dance to every third song! sing along to the choruses. this is a goodbye to summer show. los malos on at 9:15, litterbug on at 10:15.
friday november 23, 2007 - language arts, litterbug, the hawaiian bibles, and the bends at the royal unicorn cabaret (147 east pender in vancouver). $8 cover charge, 19+. doors at 9 p.m., first band at 10 p.m. (we suggest you take an afternoon nap)
litterbug's song rachel quinney has been selected to be on cjsr's compilation cd get out of your basement. it should be released in late october. to pledge to cjsr's fund drive and to get a copy of the cd, call 780.492.5244 and ask for david boffa or contact cjsr at
marc/August 27